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Welcome to my math blog! The purpose of this blog is to help you stay informed about our learning and experiences that have taken place during our math class. I have also included links your child (and you) may want to use in order to supplement math learning in 5th grade.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Geometric Sewing Day 2 (and a little Social Studies)

Social Studies was about the dedication and determination of two groups of soldiers during World War II.  The 442nd Infantry Regiment was made up of Japenese Americans.  This group of men became one of the most highly decorated regiments in the U.S. Armed Forces.  That is saying something since many Americans at the time were afraid they would side with Japan.

We also learned about the Tuskegee Airmen who were the first African American military pilots.  This was before the Civil Rights Movement, so they were fighting in a military that still practiced segregation and discrimination.  They also came out of World War II as highly respected!

We worked on finishing our World War II Analysis.  Most students were able to finish, and they began working on the crossword puzzle.

Math is what they were most interested to get to.  However, we had a few housekeeping things to take care of.  First, we had to get onto projectshare.org to make sure that they will be ready for their final MStar assessment next week.  All year, we have had login problems and today was no exception.  We were able to get the problems fixed, so things should go smoothly next week!  Second, we had to get on Khan Academy and see how many total points have been accumulated this year.  Earning points ends Friday, but Mrs. Anglin needed an early heads up of what to expect for her banquet in a few weeks.

Finally, we got to the geometric sewing.  We didn't get far... it takes a while to learn how to thread a needle.  I have a very cool way to teach them how to thread a needle that involves using tape to make an aglet.  I learned about aglets while watching Phineas and Ferb.  They have an A-G-L-E-T Song!   We were able to sew for a few minutes today, I hope to have the majority of time tomorrow!

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