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Welcome to my math blog! The purpose of this blog is to help you stay informed about our learning and experiences that have taken place during our math class. I have also included links your child (and you) may want to use in order to supplement math learning in 5th grade.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Rounding Decimals: Let's Get Ready to Kahoot!

Lesson Frame

  • We will Round decimals to tenths or hundredths.
  • I will locate the correct place to be rounded and then use rounding rules to correctly round the decimal number.


My students love to play Kahoot!, but many of them get frustrated when they feel like there is a time limit to solve problems. They feel like they don't have a chance against the "smart kids." I try to alleviate this by solving the problems the day before the game. This way, they have an answer, they just have to find the correct one on the screen.

So, today, we solved 12 problems involving rounding decimals using the procedure I gave them yesterday. I have created a Screencastify to walk you through the process.


Once we completed our Kahoot preparation, students worked on a Fifth Grade Builder. Most students were unable to get to their SMART Goal because we have shortened classes due to a UIL Awards Assembly this afternoon.

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