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Welcome to my math blog! The purpose of this blog is to help you stay informed about our learning and experiences that have taken place during our math class. I have also included links your child (and you) may want to use in order to supplement math learning in 5th grade.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Math Benchmark/Would You Rather

Math benchmark until lunch.

After lunch, I lost my music kids to rehearsal for the play that is tonight, so we completed another "Would You Rather..." problem.  To introduce the question and connect to it to Christmas (rather loosely, but it was fun), I showed the classes a short video called:

¡Feliz Navidad te desean los Minions!

Then I posed the question:

Would You Rather...

There is a specific way that I want the kids to approach these types of questions.  1) write the question, 2) make a prediction, 3) find the needed information, 4) solve the problem and 5) draw a conclusion.  I also want them to get used to seeing and using proper mathematical language, so I provided some sentence stems to make the process easier:

  • Predict:  

I predict that I would rather have ___________ because I think _________________________.

  • Draw Conclusions:

I can conclude from my information that my prediction was ___________ because ______________.

The exchange rate as of today is:

  • 1 Peso = $.07 US
  • 1 Euro = $1.23 US
We decided we would rather have the Euros!

Finally, we used the time we had left to work on Think Through Math.... we need to get to 30 passed lessons!  We will be voting on the 5th Grade reward Monday!

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